Author: koliverconnected

October Intention: Rather than focusing on differences, I choose to connect to those around me and witness what we ALL have in common--the desire to be loved unconditionally.Try bringing your attention toward connection rather than separation. Throughout the month, select various times during which you focus...

I honor my current gifts and passions and expand upon them through the powerful intentions I set for my day, week and month.Who’s sick of staying small? Take a moment to recognize the unique person that you are and allow yourself to expand. What talents...

Guidance from my Gurus:After I commented on a wrinkled shirt that I was wearing to a presentation, Tessa sighed, gently smiled at me and said,“You adults and worrying about your wrinkled clothes… You’ll grow out of it like Rita did.”Rita is a friend of ours, who...

My dad is and always has been interested in cars, tires, racing, basically driving in general. He even bought his first car before he could legally drive. In addition to having raced in the past, he also taught driving/racing classes, worked in tire testing, and...

Tune in to your body.Do you feel tense, anxious, pained or stress? If not, what do you feel and where in your body do you feel it?Now, take three very slow and deep breaths.Has anything shifted?Repeat this exercise until you feel increased calm throughout your...

I’ve never forced my kiddos to say “please,” “thank you” or “I’m sorry.” (Okay, I’m sure the directives have slipped out a few times, but it’s not a regular practice.)Sometimes this leads to an awkward silence. When, for instance, my kids are given something, the generous...

What is the difference between inner guidance and fear-based decision making? This is a question I am quite often asked in classes and workshops.Here is an example of what intuition looks like, or more accurately, feels like:As I walked down the empty hallway after saying...